Lesley shoots all forms of archery from field to 3D to World Archery Target Indoor and Outdoor! She even represented the USA at the ROBION 2017 WORLD ARCHERY 3D CHAMPIONSHIPS.
How did you get started in archery?
My husband, John, got me started in archery. He got into archery for bow hunting originally in Tennessee around 2007. Then we moved to PA, and he found that there was more to archery than just bow hunting. He quickly became obsessed and was gone a lot either practicing, hunting, shooting league, or tournaments. I felt left out. So, he bought me a used bow online, and I began to take lessons from Doug Williams at Kinsey's in 2009. Soon, Doug suggested that if I was to continue to improve, I needed to upgrade my equipment. So, John bought me a Hoyt Kobalt, and the rest is history!
What has been your best moment as a shop owner for First Flight Archery?
Honestly, there isn't just one moment. I have great moments in the shop on a monthly basis. These moments happen when I'm coaching. One moment that stands out recently was during a lesson with a deaf couple. I knew that the lesson was going to test my coaching abilities as I had not coached anyone with hearing difficulties. I relied heavily on direct eye contact, slowing my speech down, and more demonstration than I normally employ. The gentleman was not only deaf but unsteady on his feet. So, I had to adapt his teachings to a chair also. We had SO much fun in this lesson. The couple smiled, clapped, and took pictures. They even bought First Flight Archery T-shirts on their way out of the shop. When individuals, like this couple, come in for lesson, have a blast learning, and leave happy, these are the moments that make being a shop owner a great experience.
Lesley and some of her JOAD crew from First Flight Archery
I recently saw you picked up bare bow, and your husband, John, did too. What have you experienced with this switch? Do you have new goals for yourself?
Let me begin by saying that bare bow is NOT easy. But, there is a simplicity to bare bow that I don't feel with my compound shooting. I feel like it's quicker and easier to go pick up my bare bow and start shooting than with my compound. Then, at the same time, it's more complex. The body alignment feels tighter to me, the shooting is more of a feel, and finding consistent string blur is a fight. When I shot compound, I would NEVER look up scores. I guess I just knew that I had to shoot 295 or better to be competitive. Yet, now with bare bow. I'm looking up scores to see what I need to shoot to be in the top 5 or top 10 depending on the tournament. Consequently, there are goals arising already. My practice has increased as well as my journaling. It's a brand new world that holds new challenges. At this moment, bare bow is making my archery less of struggle and fun again.
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